Landscape Recommendations To Use And Add In Limestone To Your Property
One of the great aspects of designing and installing your yard's landscaping is that you can add in a variety of vegetation and pavement options for an attractive appearance all over. In addition to lawn, trees, shrubbery, and flowers, you can add in pavement, paving stones, river rocks, and gravel in different areas to create different surfaces and textures. Here are some recommendations to add in limestone to your yard's landscaping for a great improvement.
Look For Limestone Gravel
Gravel makes a good landscaping surface for areas you want to improve upon but without having to manage vegetation or worry about extra vegetation to water, especially when you live in a desert climate. Limestone is an attractive rock that you can find in a variety of colors, such as white, blue, beige, yellow, and black as it acts as a durable surface for vehicles or just for ornamental decoration.
Because you can order the limestone in pieces, you can also select it in a specific size of rock, such as smaller granules or larger chunks to give texture to your rock garden. Just be sure you install a landscape barrier upon the soil before you add in your layer of limestone gravel. The landscape barrier protects your limestone rock from soil coming up around the rock as well as protects your area from weed growth.
Make sure you order enough limestone that it will cover the area with at least two to three inches of product. If you need help calculating your order needs, talk to a landscape professional for their recommendations on the amount of limestone rock you need to order based on the size of your gravel site.
Find Large Decorative Pieces
In addition to smaller limestone rocks, you can look for larger pieces that can act as border materials or a centerpiece for your landscaped areas. Find a large limestone boulder with decorative layers and colors to add interest to your vegetation and set it in place next to a tree and around ornamental grasses, rose bushes, or other plants.
You can also place larger limestone rocks to line a pathway through your property or to outline your driveway with some beautifully-formed pieces. Because limestone is formed over a period of thousands of years, the layers that make up each rock can make it decorative and interesting-looking all on its own.
Plan to hire a landscape company to move large rocks or boulders into place on your property.
For more information, contact a limestone supplier.