4 Ways To Keep Warm This Winter
Heating is something you might not think about for most of the year. It's easy to forget about until you need it, but installing a new residential heating system now can save you from having to scramble once the cold arrives. Here are four effective ways to keep warm this winter:
1. Forced Air Heating
Forced air heating is similar to central heating. Like central AC, it directs conditioned air to all the rooms of your house using ducts hidden within your walls. If you have a large home, this can be an effective method of keeping it warm. In fact, if you already use a central air conditioner, your HVAC specialist can install a furnace that will use the same ducts that are already in place. This will save you a lot of money on installation costs.
2. Radiators
As their name implies, radiators supply radiant heat to your home. They can run using electricity or natural gas. If you have dry eyes or are otherwise sensitive to arid conditions, a radiator will likely serve you better than forced air heating. That's because, unlike forced air heating, a radiator doesn't remove moisture from the air, which reduces your need to run a humidifier during the winter. Radiators can get very hot during operation, so you may want to consider a different type of heating if you have pets or small children that might accidentally touch it.
3. Space Heaters
If you're short on cash or you're renting and unable to make renovations, a space heater can provide the warmth you need. Space heaters are portable heat-generating devices that plug into your wall outlet. They're most effective at heating small rooms. While the initial cost of a space heater is low, over time they can cost more than other types of heating since they are not very energy-efficient. This is especially true if you purchase multiple space heaters to warm different rooms in your house.
4. Gravity Air Systems
Gravity air systems utilize the fact that heat rises. With this type of system, a boiler or furnace will be installed in your basement. It's similar to forced air heating systems, but instead of using a manual blower, the heated air is allowed to circulate naturally. This type of heating system will only work if you have a basement. It's less effective than newer methods of residential heating, but it is more energy efficient than some. A gravity air system can do an adequate job of heating your house if you keep it well-maintained.